Sunday 27 January 2013

100 Films to see before you die

Ok so there are of course a lot more than 100 films you just have to see, and these aren't necessarily all the best films but they are films you should have seen in your life time.

So stay with me till the end, in no particular order, here goes:

1.The Goonies (one of my all time favourites) -Great if you like 80s films, good vs bad and adventure!
2. Back to the Future- You really should have seen this already- absolute genius. ( I like the 2nd one as well)
3.Police Academy-Comedy and 80s
4.Grease- probably the best musical out there
5.Bend it like Beckham- a very British film with Keira Knightley at her worst but there's just something about it that makes you love it
6. Atonement- James McAvoy, what a beauty
7.Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone- and you can't watch the first and not watch them all so:
8.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
9.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
10. Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire
11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
12. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
13. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
14.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
15.The Lion King- there are so many great Disney films but if I wrote them all down then they'd take up the whole list so this is one of the very best.
16.Jaws- "we're gonna need a bigger boat"
17.Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Ring
18.Lord of the Rings the Two Towers
19.Lord of the Rings Return of the King
20.The Notebook-probably the greatest and most emotional love story of all time and of course it stars Ryan Gosling
21.The Breakfast Club-oh John Hughes, what a legend
22.Hot Fuzz- a British wonder
23.Love Actually
27.Galaxy Quest-Comedy/Scifi
28.The History Boys
29. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
31.A Series of Unfortunate Events
32.The Sapphires- only released in 2012 but it's a definite must see.
33. Saving Private Ryan- another of my favourites.
34.School of Rock
35. Parent Trap- one of my favourite soundtracks.
36.The Hangover
37.Four Weddings and a Funeral- Oh weddings! Oh Hugh Grant!
38.Super 8
39.Edward Scissorhands-and this is where it all started, the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton love affair.
40. The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas- I'd like to meet someone that didn't cry during this film.
42.Be Kind Rewind
43.Matilda- she has my name! Probably the best thing to come out of the 90s.
44.Dirty Dancing-another amazing soundtrack and the best dance moves a film has ever produced.
45.Mean Girls-the most quoted film like ever?!! It's just so "fetch".
46.The Hunger Games- another of my favourites
47.Batman Begins
48.Batman The Dark Knight
49.Batman The Dark Knight Rises
50.The Rocky Horror Picture Show- an acquired taste, bit quirky, but lots of fun.
51.Home Alone-I will never get bored of this film.
52.Home Alone 2
53.Mrs.Doubtfire-Robin Williams, what a guy or should I say gal for this role.
54.Elf-best Christmas film of all time I reckon.
55.Ferris Buller's Day Off
56.16 Candles
57.Brokeback Mountain-oh Heath wahh
58.Pretty in Pink
60.American Psycho-scary Christian Bale anyone?
61.Four Lions-comedy
62.Pulp Fiction
63.The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
64.Shutter Island-if you like confusing films
65.Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl
66.Robin Hood (the one with Russell Crowe in)
67.Blue Valentine-another one with Ryan Gosling and the beautiful Michelle Williams
68.X Men First Class
69.Alice in Wonderland (any version will do although the Tim Burton one is the best)
71.Avengers Assemble
74.Bugs Life-another brilliant Disney film
75. Pearl Harbour
76. End of Watch
77.Lawless-pretty gory but magnificent story(I'm a poet and I don't even know it-sorry I'm very tired)
79.Forrest Gump
80.The Perks of Being a Wallflower
81.Fight Club
82.Toy Story
83.500 Days of Summer
84.3 Men and a Little Lady
86.The Blues Brothers
87.Lars and the Real Girl
88.My Big Fat Greek Wedding-and Greeks really are like this aha
89.This is England-wonderfully northern
91.Jurassic Park
93.10 Things I hate about you
94.Kick Ass
95.Napoleon Dynamite-"vote for Pedro"
97.Nacho Libre-Jack Black, always hilarious.
98.Django Unchained-bloody brilliant, best film I've seen to date.
99.V for Vendetta-always need a bit of Stephen Fry in your life.
100.Slumdog Millionaire

So go, watch!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Ok here we go (behind schedule)

Argh blurghhh  brrr ok. So I’ve been meaning to start this for a while but it seems the world is against me blogging, which is probably a good thing as I’ve never been very good at writing, but now I’ve actually started typing I’m really nervous.
There are two types of blog out there, the “wow this person is kinda cool and clever”  blog and the “that person is such a loser, let’s read their blog for laughs” blog, so I’m really hoping that my blog ends up being the first option, with maybe a bit of the latter thrown in( no one’s perfect).  Also my spelling and punctuation is crap so I apologise but if I can get an A* in English GCSE then you can forgive it also(let me brag about that it's all I have going for me aha). 
My Dad suggested that I should write about something I love and my Mum has been blogging for a while about our family life, which is hilarious, so they have both inspired me to do this. I love films, so that’s what this blog is all about; old, new, good, bad, the films I’m looking forward to seeing etc. I’m going to be reviewing all sorts of movies, and talking about actors, directors blah blah you get the drift.
I go to the cinema, with my boyfriend, Sam, or friends, on average about twice a week, which seems a lot but our local cinema is only £4.99 all day every day, which is especially good on orange Wednesdays! I have seen some truly appalling films in the last few years because I have a crazy cinema addiction.
There’s still something so magical about the cinema going experience; sitting in the dark, surrounded by strangers, you’re completely oblivious to the outside world (unless you’re one of those annoying “I have to check my phone every 5 minute” types) coming out and hours have past, and you kind of forget your surroundings and it’s as if the film has transported you to another place or time. Maybe that’s just me, but as I’ve grown up I’m so relieved to find that when the magic of birthdays and Christmases has faded, the cinema magic still stays the same. This is really embarrassing but Sam always accuses me of whenever we come out of the cinema having this unrealistic expectation of life, and I guess it’s true, real life just isn’t like the films, and I really really wish it was!

So that's a bit about me and why I'm writing this blog. If you want give me any constructive criticism please feel free (in your nicest kindest words). Also if you want to recommend any films for me/readers to watch please do let me know.